新京报讯(记者 陆一夫)北京时刻1月21日清晨,华为在推特上发布关于孟晚舟引渡案听证会的声明,发言人Benjamin Howes称因为此案正在审理中,华为不宜对正在进行的法令程序宣布详细谈论。
“咱们信赖加拿大的司法体系,这将证明孟女士的洁白。华为与孟女士寻求正义和自在的态度共同,期望孟女士赶快与家人、搭档和朋友聚会。”Benjamin Howes表明。
以下为Benjamin Howes声明原文:
Huawei has consistently stated as this in case is before the court,it is inappropriate for us to give specific comments on the ongoing legal proceeding.We trust in Canada's judicial system, which will prove Ms. Meng's innocence.Huawei stands with Ms.Meng in her pursuit for justice and freedom.We hope Ms.Meng will be together with he family,colleagues and friengs as soon as possible.
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