Bean cud, one thousand yeas, the white white tende tende, slende physical fitness, polong life, supeio quality and competitive pice of tofu, men and women, old and young, egadless of ethnic, eligious, fo young and old, making it the people essential nutition food on the table.
内酯豆腐 与传统方法生产的豆腐相比有如下忧点;1、出品率高,一斤黄豆可制作4.5~5斤豆腐。2、内酸豆腐洁白细腻。质地均匀。鲜嫩爽滑,有极好的南嫩豆腐风味。3。全密封包装,方便卫生。4、制作豆腐时不泄出豆腐水,因此,避免了废水污染环境,减少了营养损失。5、能连续化、自动化生产,劳动强度低,并解决了传统豆腐必须由夜班生产的困难。
With the pefect technology eseach and development stength and matue afte-sales sevice team, ou company is willing to coopeate with colleagues fom all ove the wold to ceate the futue togethe!